Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Prep for Olympic Tri this weekend

Since I got jipped out of a full Olympic distance tri this summer, I had to find another one to enter. That one turned out to be the Ft Richie Olympic Tri.

A two lap, 1.5k swim, followed by a 40k out and back bike ride, and finishing with a 10k. I received an email from the race director Sunday evening with the event details. The first thing I noticed is there is no race day registration. My training buddy who is doing this even with me was going to register the day of because his wife is due in about 2 weeks. I let him know and thankfully there was still time to register online so he did so. The second thing I noticed is we have to leave at 3:30am because it's about 1.5 hours away and packet pickup closes at 6am with the transition area closing at 6:30am. The third thing I noticed was the weather. It's going to be about 90 on Sunday.

Luckily the race starts at 7am with my wave starting at 7:21 so hopefully I will be done before the majority of the heat comes. They said the water temp last week was 77 degrees so I don't plan on wearing a wetsuit but if we are allowed to, I probably will. I am not a fan of wetsuits because I feel restricted when I swim.

I'm a little worried about my road bike though. I have been breaking spokes more often this year than any other year before. I'm up to 3 broken spokes so far. I dropped my bike off yesterday at my LBS and he suggested I replace them all with heavy duty spokes, not those zinc plated POS that are currently on my bike. I tried to blame it on these powerful legs but it's probably a flaw in the rim.

I have increased my running over the past two months trying to incorporate marathon training with tri training but my pool/lake time and bike time have suffered. My goal this week is to get a good swim/bike in Wednesday, a short bike/long run in Thursday (hopefully at least 14 miles), and maybe putz around Friday and Saturday as my 'taper'. Since this isn't my main race this year, I'm not going to taper like I should because I'm going to PR anyway. This race is just a stepping stone to my half iron man next summer and a full iron man in 2012, that is, if my wife lets me.

1 comment:

  1. :::Picketing:::




    (Don't picket lines always have a sign about honking?)
